
Founded in 2002, we have positioned ourselves as one of the industry’s leading analysis providers.  Recognized for our expertise and combined field experience of over 40 years between the two principle analysts, we have provided services for many of the most recognized producers, manufacturers and packagers for the upstream oil and gas, midstream oil and gas, power generation and refinery industries.

At our main office in Lacombe, Alberta Canada we are positioned in the centre of the oil and gas sector for Western Canada. We also service our clients out of our Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada service centre for clients in Northwest Alberta and B.C.

 We are not in the business of vending parts, your machinery health and performance is our only focus.

EMS Inc. utilizes state of the art equipment and technical expertise to provide Management Ready Information (MRI). With the philosophy of providing MRI, including risk assessment and economic consequences, managers are given information that requires a decision, not additional technical analysis.

“Balancing Maintenance with Technology”

 What does that mean?  Maintenance programs are the core of any company in the oil and gas sector where cost is plotted against production.  Tried and true book hours for preventive maintenance are the base starting point of any program, however there are so many technologies that can be applied to streamline these activities. Not only do we provide the technology of condition monitoring analysis, but we pride ourselves on being able to be practical in maintaining unit reliability.  Wading through the options of online monitoring, data logging and inspection can be applied to meet the goals of your organization.  One size does not fit all and we have been involved in programs of every shape and size.  Let our experience work for you and create a program that can be reliable and useful to all of the key players.

Engine Exhaust Emissions Testing has become a very important part of the daily business of  most if not all of our clients in Canada.   The Environment and Climate Change Canada Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulation has been law since June 2016 with specific deadlines for meeting targets.  It is now an important time to be collecting your testing results with compliant testing companies for now and the future.  We have been in business for almost 20 years and pride ourselves on maintaining positive and productive relationships with our clients.

Safety is important to EMS Inc.

We have been an active member with our Quality Health and Safety program to keep pace with our clients requirements. We have proudly been members of ISN and other safety networks since 2006 and have maintained a strong record with our Certificate of Recognition (COR).

Alberta COR Seal.
