Reciprocating Compressor Performance Analysis evaluations are geared toward the reciprocating gas compressor. With today’s market requirements, peak production is the ultimate goal. Poor unit performance can be quickly diagnosed for remedies to such problems as valve and passage losses, cooler losses or excess horsepower consumption.
Utilizing real-time collected unit performance data, actual performance outputs can be logged against simulated curves for determination of unit efficiency. We are able to quickly work with many of the existing performance simulation programs and we will suggest improvements and corrections for future simulations.

Field experience of over 25 years per analyst provides quick and thorough analysis of your machinery and confidence that the information you receive will be the most accurate available.
Where are we wasting horsepower? Can we stretch the current configuration to meet our production goals?
Key Benefits:
• Excess horsepower consumption can be determined in cases where engine or motor power consumption is outside of predicted values. Unit throughput can be confirmed and compared to meter flow values. This can point out meter error problems and be used to optimize compressor configuration and performance.
• Compressor Rod loads and Rod load reversal can be evaluated and compared to API 618 requirements. Using real-time internal pressure data and reciprocating weights, accurate pin loads and reversal points can be verified.
• Cooler losses, Suction and Discharge valve loss, bypass valve leakage or other throughput robbing areas can be identified.
• Suction and Discharge valve dynamics are evaluated for closure angles and signs of “flutter” or multiple impacts on closure or opening.
• Testing the unit at other loading conditions to determine possible capacity or horsepower limits. Unit load and clearance adjustments can be made on line or quickly analysed at different load steps on one data analysis visit.
• Verify current simulation results from OEM software. The real time results can verify current simulations and narrow down losses and clearance terms for accurate predictions in the software. We have access to and use OEM software simulations for the most accurate comparisons based on real manufacturers input.